The Game Changer in Skin Care!
NEW Innovative Efoplex® Oils | Unique Natural Ingredients
No petroleum, artificial dyes, fragrances, phthalates, or parabens.
Made in the USA and dermatologist tested


"Necessity is the mother of invention” and as a mother of two, I needed a better product to soothe my crying baby's bottom. I was inspired by the Efoplex® oils that successfully treated inflammation in patients at my vet practice and decided to create a solution myself. I infused the oils with nourishing, natural ingredients, and Angry Cheeks® Diaper Balm was born. At last, peace for my poor little guys - and for the rest of us, too! We soon realized that Efoplex® oils could also help adults with their skin care needs. Bieda® Balm products with our proprietary blend of Efoplex® oils have been used on eczema, bed sores, adult diaper rash, minor burns, bug bites, bee stings and more. I’m so pleased to share this amazing balm with you and your family.
Wishing you peace in all things,
- Dr. Angela Donaruma